Climara Pro®—designed with your patients in mind

Transdermal administration of Climara Pro® provides a nominal delivery rate (mg per day) of 0.045 estradiol and 0.015 levonorgestrel; Climara Pro® produces mean maximum estradiol concentrations in serum in about 2 to 2.5 days.
Estradiol concentrations equivalent to the normal ranges observed at the early follicular phase in premenopausal women are achieved within 12 to 24 hours after the first application.
Dosing and administration
Starting Climara Pro®
Dosing and administration
Starting Climara Pro®
- Use of estrogen-alone therapy or in combination with a progestin should be given at the lowest effective dose and for the shortest duration consistent with treatment goals and risks for the individual woman
- Postmenopausal women should be reevaluated periodically as clinically appropriate to determine if treatment is still necessary
- One Climara Pro® transdermal system is available for use

Treatment of moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms due to menopause:
Climara Pro® 0.045 mg per day/0.015 mg per day applied to the skin once weekly. Therapy should be started at the lowest effective dose and the shortest duration consistent with the treatment goals. Attempts to discontinue the medication should be made at 3 to 6 month intervals.

Treatment of moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms due to menopause:
Climara Pro® 0.045 mg per day/0.015 mg per day applied to the skin once weekly. Therapy should be started at the lowest effective dose and the shortest duration consistent with the treatment goals. Attempts to discontinue the medication should be made at 3 to 6 month intervals.

Prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis:
Climara Pro® 0.045 mg per day/0.015 mg per day applied to the skin once weekly.

Prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis:
Climara Pro® 0.045 mg per day/0.015 mg per day applied to the skin once weekly.
Initiation of therapy
- Initiation of therapy in women not currently using continuous estrogen-alone therapy or estrogen plus progestin therapy may start therapy with Climara Pro® at any time
- Women currently using continuous estrogen-alone therapy or estrogen plus progestin therapy should complete the current cycle of therapy before initiating Climara Pro® therapy
- Women often experience withdrawal bleeding at the completion of the cycle
- The first day of this bleeding would be an appropriate time to begin Climara Pro® therapy
Application of the transdermal system
Site selection
- The adhesive side of Climara Pro® should be placed on a smooth (fold free), clean, dry area of the skin on the lower abdomen or the upper quadrant of the buttock
- Climara Pro® should not be applied to or near the breasts
- The area selected should not be oily (which can impair adherence of the system), damaged, or irritated
- The waistline should be avoided, since tight clothing may rub Climara Pro® off or modify drug delivery
- Application to areas where sitting would dislodge Climara Pro® should also be avoided
- The sites of application must be rotated, with an interval of at least 1-week allowed between applications to the same site
- Climara Pro® should be applied immediately after opening the pouch and removing the protective lining
- Climara Pro® should be pressed firmly in place with the fingers for at least 10 seconds, making sure there is good contact, especially around the edges
- If the system lifts, apply pressure to maintain adhesion
- In the event that a system should fall off, the same system may be reapplied to another area of the lower abdomen. If the system cannot be reapplied, a new system may be applied, in which case, the original treatment schedule should be continued
- Only one system should be worn at any one time during 7-day dosing interval
- Once in place, the transdermal system should not be exposed to the sun for prolonged periods of time
- Swimming, bathing, or using a sauna while using Climara Pro® has not been studied, and these activities may decrease the adhesion of the system and the delivery of the estrogen and progestin
Removal of the transdermal system
- Removal of Climara Pro® should be done carefully and slowly to avoid irritation of the skin
- Should any adhesive remain on the skin after removal of the system, allow the area to dry for 15 minutes
- Then gently rubbing the area with an oil-based cream or lotion should remove the adhesive residue
- Used patches still contain some active hormones. Each patch should be carefully folded in half so that it sticks to itself before throwing it away
Climara Pro® provides clinically acceptable adhesion
- A study of the adhesion potential of Climara Pro® was conducted in 104 healthy women aged 45 to 75 years. Each woman applied a placebo patch, containing only the Climara Pro® adhesive without active ingredient, to the upper outer abdominal area weekly for 3 weeks. The adhesion assessment was visually assessed on days 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of each of the 3 weeks using a 4-point scale. The mean scores ranked in the highest category possible on the 0 to 4 scale, demonstrating clinically acceptable adhesion performance